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AMF Processing Line
Food Engineering

AMF Processing Line

Triowin anhydrous milk fat production line is mainly based on two methods. One is to directly use cream to produce AMF; the other is to produce AMF through cream. It provides a full set of turnkey engineering equipment, one-to-one solutions based on production capacity, and perfect service and after-sales mechanism to effectively guarantee the quality of finished products.

Cream with 35-40% fat, pasteurized or not, enters the AMF processing line from the equalizing tank, and then is adjusted in temperature or pasteurized by a plate heat exchanger before being discharged to a centrifuge for pre-concentration and purification to a fat content of about 75%. The "light" phase is collected in a buffer tank for further processing. At the same time, the "heavy" phase, i.e. the buttermilk, can be skimmed again by a separator, the fat removed is mixed with the cream, and the skimmed milk is returned to the plate heat exchanger for heat recovery and then to a storage tank. After intermediate storage in the tank, the concentrated cream is conveyed to a homogenizer for phase conversion and then to the final concentrator. Finally, the milk fat with a fat content of 99.8% is heated to 95-98°C in a plate heat exchanger and discharged to a vacuum dryer to reduce the moisture content to no more than 0.1%. The dried cream is then cooled to 35-40°C, which is also the common packaging temperature.

AMF is often produced from butter. Unsalted butter is often used as the raw material for AMF, but salted butter can also be used as a raw material. The butter is directly heated and melted in different equipment. Before the final concentration begins, the temperature of the melted butter should reach 60°C. After melting and heating, the hot product is conveyed to the insulation tank, where it can be stored for a certain period of time, 20-30 minutes, mainly to ensure complete melting, but also to allow protein flocculation. From the insulation tank, the product is conveyed to the final concentrator. After concentration, the upper light phase contains 99.5% fat, and then transferred to the plate heat exchanger, heated to 90-95°C, then to the vacuum dryer, and finally returned to the plate heat exchanger and cooled to the packaging temperature of 35-40°C.

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Technical features

▪Can be designed according to user's special requirements

▪Different final products can be produced on the same production line

▪Can produce high quality products and maintain nutrients

▪A wide range of product varieties available

▪Large output and low loss

▪ Apply high technology to save energy

▪Monitoring system for the entire production process

▪Visual and intuitive display, printing of all process parameters


Working capacity

from 1 tons/d up to 50 tons/d


- Anhydrous Milk Fat
- Butter oil

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